Biomedical and Environmental Research Group

Analytical instruments

  • M4 Tornado Plus (Bruker), focused beam X-ray fluorescence mapping spectrometer for determination of lateral distribution of elements and localized chemical composition of heterogenous samples with the following specification: 30 W X-ray tube with Ag anode equipped with a set of primary beam collimators (beam spot diameter: 0.5 mm, 1 mm, 2 mm, 4.5 mm) and filters, 30 W X-ray tube with Rh anode equipped with set of filters and polycapillary lens for primary beam focusing to 20 µm, two silicon drift detectors (SDD) with energy resolution FWHM < 150 eV at 5.9 keV and ultra-thin 60 mm2 entrance windows, capability for detecting elements with atomic number Z > 5,  integrated optical microscope (x10, x100) for selecting regions of interest on analyzed samples with option of stitching optical microscope images to cover large area samples, measurements conducted in air at pressure reduced down to 2 mbar or using helium flush, capability for high spatial resolution (~ 20 µm) fast elemental mapping and localized multipoint analysis of samples with mass up to 7 kg and lateral dimensions 20 cm x 16 cm, detection limits of elements (Z > 9) in the range from about 1 to 100 µg/g in samples with infinite thickness.
  • Nanohunter II (Rigaku), total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometer for determination of element concentrations in homogenous samples and elemental profiles in layered flat samples with the following specification: 600 W X-ray tube with Mo anode, silicon drift detector (SDD) with energy resolution FWHM < 150 eV at 5.9 keV and 60 mm2 entrance area, X-ray beam forming with the use of multilayer bend monochromator, measurement conducted in air or helium atmosphere at atmospheric pressure, simultaneous determination of elements with atomic number Z > 14, detection limits of the order 0.5 µg/g, capability for quantitative analysis of small samples (~ 100 mg) and qualitative analysis of very small aliquots (< 100 µg).
  • Multifunctional, energy dispersive X-ray system (EDXRF), utilizing high-power (up to 3 kW) X-ray tube (available anodes: Cr, Mo, Ag, W) comprising of three independent X-ray spectrometers: (1) secondary/polarizing target X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, Si(Li) detector (30 mm2 active area, 3 mm effective thickness, 1 mil Be window); (2) total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, Si(Li) detector (30 mm2 active area, 3 mm effective thickness, 0.5 mil Be window); (3) scanning, micro-beam X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, minimum beam diameter 15 micrometers (obtained with single glass capillary with tapered inner channel), Si(Li) detector (80 mm2 active area, 3 mm effective thickness, 0.5 mil Be window), xyzΘ motorized sample stage, optical microscope coupled to a CCD camera, PC/FPGA-based measurement control and data acquisition system.
  • Portable, radioisotope source based, X-ray fluorescence spectrometer comprising of annular 238Pu source, Si-PIN thermoelectrically cooled X-ray detector (7 mm2 active area, 0.3 mm nominal thickness, 0.5 mil Be window), battery powered signal processing electronics, PC-based data acquisition software.
  • Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR).

Sampling and sample preparation

  • Air particulate matter samplers PM2.5 and PM10.
  • Ball mill, agate mortar, sieves, hydraulic press for preparation of powdered samples and pellets.
  • Pressurized (TEFLON bomb), chemical digestion system, water purification system, freeze-dryer, liquid nitrogen sample storage, clean room.