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M. Derrick et al., (L. Adamczyk, B. Bednarek, K. Jelen, D. Kisielewska, T. Kowalski, M. Przybycien, E. Rulikowska-Zarebska, L. Suszycki, J. Zajac) ZEUS Collaboration
The ZEUS Leading Proton Spectrometer and its use in the measurement of elastic ρ0 photoproduction at HERA.
Z.Phys.C73 (1997) 253-268
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J. DeWitt, (W. Dąbrowski), et al.
Test results on silicon micro-strip detectors for ATLAS.
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. Vol. A386 (1997), 122.
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P. Abreu et al.,(B. Muryn) DELPHI Collaboration
Study of the reaction e+ e- → μ+ μ- γISR at LEP and search for new physics at annihilation energies near 80 GeV.
Z.Phys. C75 (1997) 581-592
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J. Breitweg et al., (L. Adamczyk, B. Bednarek, K. Jelen, D. Kisielewska, T. Kowalski, M. Przybycien, E. Rulikowska-Zarebska, L. Suszycki, J. Zajac) ZEUS Collaboration
Study of photon dissociation in diffractive photoproduction at HERA.
Z.Phys. C75 (1997) 421-435
[5] |
P. Abreu et al., (B. Muryn) DELPHI Collaboration
Search for stable heavy charged particles in e+ e- collisions at √s =130-136,161 and 172 GeV.
Phys.Lett.B396 (1997) 315-326
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P. Abreu et al., (B. Muryn) DELPHI Collaboration
Search for new phenomena using single photon events at LEP1.
Z.Phys.C.74 (1997) 577-586
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P. Abreu et al.,(B. Muryn) DELPHI Collaboration
Search for neutral heavy leptons produced in Z decays.
Z.Phys.C74 (1997) 57-71
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M. Derrick et al.,(L. Adamczyk, B. Bednarek, K. Jelen, D. Kisielewska, T. Kowalski, M. Przybycien, E. Rulikowska-Zarebska, L. Suszycki, J. Zajac) ZEUS Collaboration
Search for lepton flavour violation in ep collisions at 300 GeV center of mass energy.
Z.Phys.C73 (1997) 613-628
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P. Abreu et al., (B. Muryn) DELPHI Collaboration
Search for lepton flavour number violating Z0 decays.
Z.Phys.C73 (1997) 243-251
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P. Abreu et al., (B. Muryn) DELPHI Collaboration
Search for excited leptons in e+ e- collisions at √s=161 GeV.
Phys.Lett.B393 (1997) 245-260
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P. Abreu et al., (B. Muryn) DELPHI Collaboration
Search for Bc meson.
Phys.Lett.B398 (1997) 207-222
[12] |
F. Anghinolfi, W. Dąbrowski, E. Delagne, J. Kapłon, U. Koetz, P. Jarron, F. Lugiez, C. Posh, S. Roe, P. Weilhammer
SCTA - A Rad-Hard BiCMOS Analogue Readout ASIC for the ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker.
IEEE Trans. on Nucl. Sci. Vol. 44, No. 3 (1997), p. 298.
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W. Dąbrowski
Readout electronics for the ATLAS semiconductor tracker.
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. Vol. A386 (1997), 117.
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N. M.Agababyan et al.,(K. Dziunikowska, D. Kisielewska) EHS/NA22 Collaboration
Reactions with leading hadrons in meson-proton interactions at 250 GeV.
Z.Phys. C75 (1997) 229-236
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M. Przybycien, A. Szczurek, G. Ingelman
Properties of HERA events on pions in the proton.
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J. Breitweg et al., (L. Adamczyk, M. Bukowy, B. Bednarek, K. Jelen, D. Kisielewska, T. Kowalski, M. Przybycien, E. Rulikowska-Zarebska, L. Suszycki, J. Zajac) ZEUS Collaboration
Observation of scaling violations in scaled momentum distributions at HERA.
Phys.Lett.B414 (1997)428-443
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J. Breitweg et al., (L. Adamczyk, M. Bukowy, B. Bednarek, K. Jelen, D. Kisielewska, T. Kowalski, M. Przybycien, E. Rulikowska-Zarebska, L. Suszycki, J. Zajac) ZEUS Collaboration
Observation of isolated high-ET photons in photoproduction at HERA.
Phys.Lett. B413 (1997) 201-216
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J. Breitweg et al., (L. Adamczyk, B. Bednarek, K. Jelen, D. Kisielewska, T. Kowalski, M. Przybycien, E. Rulikowska-Zarebska, L. Suszycki, J. Zajac) ZEUS Collaboration
Measurement of the proton structure function F2 and σtot(γp) at low Q2 and very low x at HERA.
Phys.Lett.B407 (1997) 432-448
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J. Breitweg et al., (L. Adamczyk, M. Bukowy, B. Bednarek, K. Jelen, D. Kisielewska, T. Kowalski, M. Przybycien, E. Rulikowska-Zarebska, L. Suszycki, J. Zajac) ZEUS Collaboration
Measurement of inelastic J/ψ photoproduction at HERA.
Z.Phys. C76 (1997) 599-612
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P. Abreu et al., (B. Muryn) DELPHI Collaboration
Measurement of event shape and inclusive distributions at sqrt(s) = 130 and 136 GeV.
Z.Phys.C73 (1997) 229-242
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Measurement of elastic J/ψ photoproduction at HERA
Z.Phys. C75 (1997) 215-228
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P. Abreu et al., (B. Muryn) DELPHI Collaboration
Measurement of correlations between pions from different Ws in e+ e- → W+ W- events.
Phys.Lett.B401 (1997) 181-191
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P. Abreu et al., (B. Muryn) DELPHI Collaboration
Measurement and interpretation of the W-pair cross-section in e+ e- interactions at 161 GeV.
Phys.Lett.B397 (1997) 158-170
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M.C. Abreu, (W. Dabrowski, M. Idzik), et al., (NA50 Collaboration)
J/Ψ and Drell-Yan cross-sections in Pb-Pb interactions at 158 GeV/c per nucleon.
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P. Abreu et al.,(B. Muryn) DELPHI Collaboration
Identified particles in quark and gluon jets.
Phys.Lett.B401 (1997) 118-130
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N. M.Agababyan et al., (K. Dziunikowska, D. Kisielewska) EHS/NA-22 Collaboration
Factorial moments and correlations in transverse momentum in π+p and K+p collisions at 250 GeV/c.
Phys.Lett.B393 (1997) 205-209
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J. Breitweg et al.,(L. Adamczyk, B. Bednarek, K. Jelen, D. Kisielewska, T. Kowalski, M. Przybycien, E. Rulikowska-Zarebska, L. Suszycki, J. Zajac) ZEUS Collaboration
Differential cross sections of D*± photoproduction in ep collisions at HERA.
Phys.Lett. B402 (1997) 192-206
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J. Breitweg et al.,(L. Adamczyk, B. Bednarek, K. Jelen, D. Kisielewska, T. Kowalski, M. Przybycien, E. Rulikowska-Zarebska, L. Suszycki, J. Zajac) ZEUS Collaboration
D* production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA.
Phys.Lett. B407 (1997) 402-418
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J. Breitweg et al.,(L. Adamczyk , B. Bednarek, K. Jelen, D. Kisielewska, T. Kowalski, M. Przybycien, E. Rulikowska-Zarebska, L. Suszycki, J. Zajac) ZEUS Collaboration
Comparison of ZEUS data with Standard Model predictions for e+p → e+X scattering at high x and Q2.
Z.Phys.C74 (1997) 207-220
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P. Abreu et al.,(B. Muryn) DELPHI Collaboration
B0d meson lifetime using a new technique.
Z.Phys.C74 (1997) 19-32
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M.C. Abreu, (W. Dabrowski, M. Idzik), et al., (NA50 Collaboration)
Anomalous J/Ψ suppression in Pb-Pb interactions at 158 GeV/c per nucleon.
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J. Breitweg et al., (L. Adamczyk, B. Bednarek, K. Jelen, D. Kisielewska, T. Kowalski, M. Przybycien, E. Rulikowska-Zarebska, L. Suszycki, J. Zajac) ZEUS Collaboration
A search for excited fermions in e+p collisions at HERA.
Z.Phys. C76 (1997)631 -646
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W.M. Bystritsky, (E. Łącki), et al.
A new approach in the experimental studies of nuclear reactions at ultralow energies.
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P. Abreu et al., (B. Muryn) DELPHI Collaboration
A measurement of αs from the scaling violation in e+ e- annihilation.
Phys.Lett.B398 (1997) 194-206
Conference materials
[1] |
L. Adamczyk
Vector meson in gamma-p.
5th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and QCD; April 14-18, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
[2] |
W. Dąbrowski, J. Kapłon, R. Szczygieł
SCT128B - a prototype radiation hard chip for binary readout of silicon strip detectors in the ATLAS Silicon Tracker.
1997 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico November 9 - 15, 1997, Abstract Book, p. 21
[3] |
W. Dąbrowski, P. Jarron, J. Kapłon, C. Lacasta, P. Riedler, C. Posch, S. Roe, P. Weilhammer, R. Szczygieł, M. Wolter, A. Clark, D. Macina, S. Stapnes, B. Sundul, P. Philips, T. Dubbs
Performance of the binary readout of silicon strip detectors using the radiation hard SCT128B chip.
1997 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico November 9 - 15, 1997, Abstract Book, p. 27
[4] |
W. Dąbrowski
Noise correlation in front-end circuits using BJTs.
Proc. of the 3rd International Meeting on Front-End Electronics for High Resolution Tracking Detectors, Taos, New Mexico, Nov. 5-8, 1997
[5] |
E. Chruściel, T. Massalski, K. Pałka, J. Puchacewicz, T.Zorski
Natural Gamma-Ray Spectral Logging - Some Applications.
Proc. International Conference Nuclear Geophysics 97. Kraków 20 - 23 October 1997
[6] |
W. Białas, W. Dąbrowski, P. Gryboś, M. Idzik
Multichannel Low Noise, Low Power Analogue Readout Chip for Silicon Strip Detectors.
Proc. of the 4th International Workshop: „Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems”, MIXDES '96 - Poznań, June 1997, 637
[7] |
W. Dąbrowski, F. Anghinolfi, D. Campell, W. Gannon, A. Grillo, P. Jarron, J. Kapłon, N. Kundu, D. Macina, D. LaMarra, G. Meddeler, S. Picchiottino, R. Szczygieł
A single chip implementation of the binary readout architecture for silicon strip detectors in the ATLAS Silicon Tracker.
Proc. of the Third Workshop on Electronics for LHC experiments, London, September 22-26, 1997. CERN/LHCC/97-60, 21 October 1997, p.153
[1] |
E. Łącki
Monitoring dwutlenku siarki w powietrzu atmosferycznym na terenie Ojcowskiego Parku Narodowego w 1996 roku.
Ojców - 1997
[2] |
J.Jarzyna, M.Bała, K.Pałka, T.Zorski, N.Górecka
Metodyka wyznaczania fizycznych parametrów górotworu na podstawie pomiarów prototypową aparaturą do profilowań geofizycznych w płytkich otworach.
Projekt badawczy nr 9T 12A 010.10, dokumentacja końcowa
[3] |
ATLAS Collaboration (W. Białas, W. Dąbrowski, P. Gryboś, M. Idzik)
Inner Detector Technical Design Report.
ATLAS TDR 5, CERN/LHCC 97-17, 30 April 1997