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HEP Seminar

Seminars are held Weekly on Friday at 10:15-11am at the AGH UST, building D11, room 104.

Since March 2020 slides are available under link:


  • Subhasis Samanta "Studies of fluctuations and correlations in high energy heavy ion collisions" slides (24.01.2020)
  • Adam Trzupek "Measurement of vn-mean pCorrelations in 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb and p+Pb Collisions with ATLASslides (17.01.2020)
  • Jakub Kremer "Probing the initial state of heavy-ion collisions with electroweak bosons in ATLAS" slides (20.12.2019)
  • Wojciech Florkowski "Quark Matter 2019" slides (13.12.2019)
  • Sebastian Sapeta "Small-qfactorization and its use for higher-order calculations in QCDslides (06.12.2019)
  • Mateusz Dyndał "Measurement of fiducial and differential W+W− production cross-sections at √s=13 TeV with ATLAS" slides (29.11.2019)
  • Francesco Giacosa "Not every peak nor every pole is necessarily a resonance: some case studies" slides (22.11.2019)
  • Michał Spaliński "Remarks on transient modes in 
relativistic hydrodynamics" slides (15.11.2019)
  • Wiesław Płaczek "Gamma Factory: novel research tools made of light" slides (08.11.2019)
  • Paweł Sznajder "Phenomenology of Generalised Parton Distributions from experimental data to 3D structure of the nucleon" slides (25.10.2019)
  • Michał Barej "Wounded quarks in heavy-ion collisions" slides (18.10.2019)
  • Jacek Otwinowski "(Anti-)hypertriton lifetime and hyperon puzzle" slides (11.10.2019)


  • Leszek Grzanka "Recent measurements from the TOTEM experiment at LHC" slides (07.06.2019)
  • Sabrina Casanova "Selected HAWC results and future developments" slides (24.05.2019)
  • Jolanta Brodzicka "CP Violation in Charm - Finally Discovered" slides (17.05.2019)
  • Wojciech Florkowski "Looking back, moving forwards — the Weyssenhoff  hydrodynamic model thought anew" slides (10.05.2019)
  • Iwona Grabowska-Bołd "Observation of light-by-light scattering in lead-lead collisions with the ATLAS experiment" slides (26.04.2019)
  • Tomasz Stebel "Heavy quarkonium production in CGC+NRQCD approach" slides (12.04.2019)
  • Aleksas Mazeliauskas "Prescaling and Far-from-Equilibrium Hydrodynamics in the Quark-Gluon Plasma" slides (05.04.2019)
  • Nikolaos Davis "Recent results from proton intermittency analysis in NA61/SHINE" slides (29.03.2019)
  • Andrzej Siódmok "Studying Minijets and Multiple Particle Interactions with Rapidity Correlations" slides (22.03.2019)
  • Paweł Staszel "Strong interaction program of the NA61/SHINE experiment – recent results and plans" slides (15.03.2019)
  • Krzysztof Golec-Biernat "Probing BFKL effects with forward Drell-Yan productionsslides (08.03.2019)
  • Piotr Homola "Cosmic­Ray Extremely Distributed Observatory*: novel astrophysical potential and beyondslides (01.03.2019)
  • Prabhakar Palni "Multiple Parton Interactions and multiplicity dependent final states measurements as tools to probe QCD slides (25.01.2019)
  • Michał Praszałowicz "Geometrical scaling of direct photons in heavy ion collisions" slides (18.01.2019)
  • Leon Leśniak "Kaon-kaon interaction in the reactions e+e- ->K + K - gamma and e+e- -> K0K0 gamma" slides (21.12.2018)
  • Jakub Kremer "Testing parton distribution functions with W and Z bosons in the ATLAS experiment" slides (14.12.2018)
  • Wojciech Broniowski "Tuning the initial deformation of a QGP droplet with polarized deuterons" slides (07.12.2018)
  • Marcin Chrzaszcz "Quo Vadis Flavour Anomalies?" slides (30.11.2018)
  • Piotr Salabura "Studying baryonic matter with HADES at GSI/FAIR" slides (23.11.2018)
  • Mariusz Przybycień "Recent results on directed flow measurements in Cu+Au and Au+Au collisions at RHIC" slides (09.11.2018)
  • Jakub Wagner "Prospects for nucleon tomography" slides (26.10.2018)
  • Piotr Kotko "Theory and phenomenology of small-x TMD factorization" slides (19.10.2018)
  • Romuald Janik "Towards holography for quantum mechanics" slides (12.10.2018)
  • Paweł Malecki "Observation of H→bb decays and VH production with the ATLAS detector" slides (05.10.2018)


  • Sandeep Chatterjee "Rapidity physics of the fireball with heavy probes" slides (08.06.2018)
  • Andrzej Białas "Femtoscopy of stopped protons" slides (18.05.2018)
  • Stanisław Mrówczyński "Color instabilities in Quark-Gluon Plasma" slides (11.05.2018)
  • Paweł Moskal "Tests of discrete symmetries in positronium decays with the J-PET detector " slides (27.04.2018)
  • Wolfgang Lohmann "The CMS Experiment – Selected Results" slides (20.04.2018)
  • Piotr Korcyl "Hadron structure functions and the pion distribution amplitude from Lattice QCD" slides (13.04.2018)
  • Zbigniew Wąs "Lessons from Machine Learning of Higgs CP measurements in TauSpinner" slides (06.04.2018)
  • Leszek Motyka "Evidence of higher twist effects in proton structure functions at small x" slides (23.03.2018)
  • Pok Man Lo "S-Matrix approach to hadron gas" slides (16.03.2018)
  • Jolanta Brodzicka "A Charm road to New Physics" slides (09.03.2018)
  • Wojciech Florkowski "Relativistic hydrodynamics of spinning fluids" slides (02.03.2018)
  • Wojciech Krupa "Measurements of the CKM angles gamma at LHCb" slides (19.01.2018)
  • Adam Trzupek "Recent ATLAS measurements of azimuthal anisotropies in small collision systems" slides (15.12.2017)
  • Andreas van Hameren "kT-dependent factorization from an amplitude perspective" slides (08.12.2017)
  • Mariola Kłusek-Gawenda "Cracovian theoretical results for ultraperipehral heavy-ion collisions" slides (01.12.2017)
  • Grzegorz Zuzel "THE DARKSIDE Experiment – present status and future" pdf (24.11.2017)
  • Kacper Zalewski "Gazdzicki horn" pdf (17.11.2017)
  • Tadeusz Lesiak "LHCb Spectroscopy: results and plans" pdf (10.11.2017)
  • Marek Zrałek "The flavor puzzle, discreet family symmetries"  pdf (27.10.2017)
  • Mariusz Przybycień "Collision energy dependence of moments of net-kaon multiplicity distributions at RHIC" pdf (20.10.2017)
  • Michał Praszałowicz "On a possibility of bayronic exotica" pdf (13.10.2017)
  • Radosław Ryblewski "Quasiparticle anisotropic hydrodynamics for relativistic heavy-ion collisions" pdf (06.10.2017)


  • Sandeep Chatterjee "Electromagnetic fields in small systems" pdf (09.06.2017)
  • Kazuki Sakurai "Search for Sphalerons at LHC and IceCube" pdf (02.06.2017)
  • Lech Szymanowski "Probing partonic structure of a nucleon in hard electro- and neutrino-production processes" pdf (26.05.2017)
  • Marcus Bluhm "Temperature and density dependence of the shear viscosity of the unitary Fermi gas based on hydrodynamic flow" pdf (19.05.2017)
  • Iwona Sputowska "Forward-backward correlations and multiplicity fluctuations in ALICE" pdf (12.05.2017)
  • Antoni Marcinek "φ meson production in pp collisions in the NA61/SHINE" pdf (28.04.2017)
  • Marcin Guzik "Measurement of light-by-light scattering in ATLAS" pdf (21.04.2017)
  • Volker Koch "Fluctuations, Correlations and the QCD Phase diagram" pdf (07.04.2017)
  • Henryk Wilczyński "Hadronic interactions of ultra-high energy cosmic rays" pdf (31.03.2017)
  • Jacek Dziarmaga "Quantum Kibble-Zurek mechanism" pdf (24.03.2017)
  • Piotr Bożek "Pt Fluctuations" pdf (17.03.2017)
  • Krzysztof Sacha "Time Crystals" pdf (10.03.2017)
  • Barbara Wosiek "Quark Matter 2017 Conference" pdf (03.03.2017)
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