Research Topics
- Relativistic hydrodynamic model for nuclear collisions
The dynamics of the dense fireball created in relativistic heavy-ion
collisions at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and at the CERN
Large Hadron Collider is modelled using relativistic hydrodynamics of a viscous fluid.

The dynamics of the system can be decomposed in three stages, the
creation the initial fireball with event-by-event fluctuation, the hydrodynamic
expansion and the statistical emission of particles with resonance
decays and rescattering. A number of observables can be calculated, particle spectra, harmonic flow
coefficients, interferometry correlations, charge balancing correlations, event plane
Onset of collectivity in small systems
The fluid behavior observed in systems of the size of a few fms, poses the interesting experimental an theoretical question about the smallest size necessary
collectivity. If the kinetic description is adopted the limit is set by the
condition that the mean free path should be much smaller than the size of the
system. In the viscous hydrodynamic approach the limit is set by the relative
importance of viscous corrections driven by large velocity gradients
in the system. Finally, the observation of collective flow indicates
that hadrons are formed locally, on scales much smaller than the
size of the system.

Studies of asymmetric collisions (p-A, d-A, T-A,..) at different energies can
give further insight into the mechanism of particle formation in relativistic collisions.
- Self-consistent methods in quantum many body systems
Nuclear matter is a strongly interacting quantum many-body system.
The calculation of its properties requires the use of advanced many body techniques.
Self-consistent in medium calculations ar applied at zero and finite temperatures. Self-energy and vertex corrections can be taken into account.
Realistic calculations of the binding energy, effective mass, critical temperature or of the symmetry energy make use of realistic two and three-body nuclear interactions.
hydro events