Teaching Quality Certificates
1st cycle studies
- 7 semesters long
- leading to B.Sc. Eng. diploma
Program: Technical Physics
Program: Medical Physics
Program: Applied Computer Science
Program: Micro- and Nanotechnologies in Biophysics
Program: Materials Nanoengineering
2nd cycle studies
- 3 semesters long
- leading to M.Sc. Eng. diploma
Program: Technical Physics
Program: Medical Physics
Program: Applied Computer Science
Program: Micro- and Nanotechnologies in Biophysics
3rd cycle studies
- 8 semesters long
- leading to Ph.D. diploma
Program: Physics
Program: Biohysics
Faculty offers four years Ph.D. studies in physics or biophysics. Ph.D. students may plan their thesis research in the fields of:
- biophysics,
- computer physics,
- environmental physics,
- medical physics and dosimetry,
- physical basis of electronics,
- physics of elementary particles,
- solid state physics,
- technical nuclear physics.
Post-diploma studies in education
Studies are dedicated for teachers who want to gain extra qualifications for teaching a second subject or extend the qualifications in their own field. The following programs are offered:
- physics with computer education
- mathematics with computer education
- chemistry with elements of environment protection
- computer education
- natural sciences
- technical and computer education