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C++ dla Fizyki Technicznej

Laboratorium do wykładów dr hab. inż. M. Krawczyk.

C++ dla Nano Micro

Laboratorium do wykładów dr hab. inż. M. Krawczyk.

Przydatne uwagi do laboratoriów z C++

Przydatne uwagi na temat pracy z kompilatorem. W szczególności mające na celu ułatwienie / zrozumienie komunikatów kompilatora początkującym programistom.

Programowanie funkcjonalne w j. Scala / Functional programming in Scala

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Konsultacje / Office hours

Poniedziałek/Monday 9:03-10:07


Badania / Research

The ATLAS experiment trigger

ATLAS is an experiment at LHC. From CS point of view it is a huge data generator. Petabytes per second in fact. The multilayered trigger system is used to trim that source to managable hunderts of Megabytes per second. I have spent five years at CERN to build this system. During the data taking period from 2010-13 the data taken were used to explore frontiers of physics and lead to discovery of the SM Higgs bosson. After the experimental observation of the higgs-like particle the Nobel Prize has been awarded to Francois Englert and Peter Higgs in 2013. What is this about? See, a very brief explanation by Francois Engert:
The list of publicly available ATLAS results. Wikipedia article on the Higgss mechanism.

ATLAS Heavy Ions program

A particular domain, between the high energy physics and nuclear physics, is the Heavy Ion Collision Physics. The experimentation involves acceleration to the relativistic energies and then bringing to the collisions. Such program is also realized at LHC and ATLAS is one of the experiments "looking" into the collisions. In contrary to p-p collisions, many nucleons are involved in such collisions. It is speculated that the energy and matter densities are sufficiently high the quarks are "liberated" and new state of matter is created, namely the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). Essentially it is all about the temperature. It becomes interesting, very interesting, if one realizes that such collisions are small reproductions of the conditions in the very early universe where the temperature was about ~1TK. Yes, Tera Kelvin. Yes! Way higher than in the neutron stars. The properties of the QGP are assessed in various ways. I.e. the thermodynamic properties, "opacity" - via (no)suppression of particular states and the "mechanical" properties like the viscosity. That is my research interest this days. A decent introduction to the field can be found several books. The theoretical foundations for this field were laid by Polish physicists. An overview of the results of heavy ion ATLAS results can be found here.

A video by one of my colegues, P. Steinberg



Kontakt / Contact


tomasz.bold HMM
tomasz.bold HMM
+48 12 662 44 19